After living in a 36 foot RV for three years, we have gone back to the "stix and brix" way of life. it is time for one of us to get a retirement income finished and have a life after work. We will be posting all there is that we find about living in this downtown area of Fort Worth, Texas.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's Past Time for an Update

Sorry for the delay but we have been very busy with some excel sheets the last few weeks.

I got an email from Woody about my address and sent him a reply. Have not heard from him since graduation of 1959. Its been a while.

This is the old meeting "hall" or building of the Knights of Ph..." Since I don't have the name written down I'll have to come back and edit this part.

On the ground floor is the Billy Miner saloon and restaurant. Best burgers and fries in the downtown area.

Above the front door is the armor clad knight facing west. You got to look high as he is on the 3rd floor. Best view is from across the street where I took these pics.

We just took the camera and walked around the area after we had dinner and took the pics you see here. We both like living downtown with the no traffic and no crowds.

The eagle is above another building that remains silent. most of what you see here is thru the camera lens and not to visible to the eye.

Come down here and bring your camera and take pics of the buy gone era of this style of construction.

Todays buildings are mostly glass "curtain wall" construction and not nearly as pretty to look at.